Mauritius Day Geckos
Photo: Pritesh Chouramun
Description: Day Geckos as you would imagine from their name are mainly active during the day in contrast with most other species of Gecko. Most Day Geckos are brightly coloured with vivid greens, blues, reds and oranges. An exception to this in Mauritius is Gunther’s Gecko (Phelsuma guentheri), now restricted to Round Island, which is greyish or greyish-brown. Day Geckos have distinctive toe pads that allow them to walk on vertical or overhanging surfaces. Unsurprisingly Day Geckos spend a lot of time in trees. The remaining mainland species, all of which are much smaller than Gunther’s Gecko like to shelter in tree cavities and in tightly packed clusters of leaves of the type found in native Palm species and Screwpines (Vacoas species) and in the introduced Traveller’s palm (Ravenala madagascariensis). Day Geckos feed on insects and other invertebrates and also nectar, pollen and fruits. There are 70 known species and subspecies in the world, most of which are found in Madagascar and islands of the southwest Indian Ocean.
The following five Day Gecko species are endemic to Mauritius.
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